Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Betsey Johnson Leather Bag Giveaway-CLOSED

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I have been trying to find a new home for this amazing bag! Since eBay doesn't seem to be it, I thought I would do something nice for all of you fellow broke blogging babes out there and do a giveaway (I am working on a few giveaway ideas right now-stay tuned)! 
All you have to do to win the bag is be a follower of Sterling Style and comment below and leave your contact info. 

This contest will end February 19th at 8 a.m. Pacific Time and UPDATE-International Readers welcome!
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Leah said...

Great color... love the bag. xoxo

Unknown said...

That bag is amazing! What a fabulous thing to giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway =)
This bag is so beautiful *o*

Ra said...

this bag & i are meant to be together.


Pia said...

such a fun giveaway!


xxTemptingQueen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christen said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Thank you for doing this. I am obviously a follower and you already have my contact information. Yay! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Christina said...

Wow. It's gorgeous. I like how you have used it in some of your posts.


Jennifer said...

Oooh I would love.

Email: chocovanillakiwi@yahoo.com

Victoria Jin said...

I really wish i could enter :( but i live in Austria. Love the photos though! the bright of color in the bag is perfect :)

Secondhand Stella said...

Ooooo, I hope I win!


Wanderlusting Fool said...

Ohhh I would love to win your bag. You are awesome for giving this away!

Wanderlusting Fool

Kayla Rochelle said...

Such a great bag! Count me in!!



6roove said...

lovely bag, great colour!

Sharon Lei said...

Love the color of the bag. :) and it's so nice and roomy. Count me in!!

xx Love & Aloha,


K said...

What a beautiful bag! I am already a follower :) Thanks for the great giveaway!!


LPNY by Monika Pierzynowska said...

such a adorable bag!!!

Monika from J'adore Fashion

Magali said...

Wow, this bag is so lovely!!


Diane said...

this bag is soooo cute!
i am a follower.
my email is: snapshotfashion@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Lovely bag!



Tari said...

ITS SO CUTE! im already a follower :)

Jenna @ Mi Vida Bonita said...

I follow, this bag is too cute.

Eliani said...

I love the second and third photos!

FashionJazz said...

Luv the bag! Hope u are well! xx

LauraAshley said...

love that bag!


fadetoblack said...

all ready a follwer (of course:)

great bag and I love all the pictures!!
why ever would you want to part with it :(

Anonymous said...

love this bag!


Anna said...

awesome giveaway! i love this color!!

loisbrown said...

Love the color, love the bag, love the blog.

Trucks & Pearls said...

Awesome bag. Cool! I'll take it!

Linda said...

Love your bag!

Anonymous said...

OH! Finally I can enter the contest since I now live in Manhattan! It is awesome!! And, the last day of the contest happens to be my 20th birthday! Perfect gift?? YES!

Anniken Cecilie

Amber said...

Love the bag!!!!
XOXO amber

yanil said...

I love itttttttttttt!! and your style!!! my info is thevintagedevil.blogspot.com

HShaps said...

That bag is awesome! Love that it looks like it's already lived an exciting life! I'm a Google Alert follower. :)

marie said...

I'm a BJ fanatic so I am more than willing to enter this contest.

why exactly are you giving this bag away? it's perfectly fine!

lei ann said...

oooo...aqua is one of my favorite colors! i already follow you on google reader :)

jemscout425 said...

following. gorgeous bag

Unknown said...

Aw my favourite colour too!

*crosses fingers*

Madeline Veenstra said...

Lucky girls! I live in Australia, otherwise I would love love this bag :)

Aline said...

awesome giveaway...you know i'm a follower!

Peppie said...

Oh this is a lovely giveaway!

Love, Ani


The Semi Sweet said...

What a fun giveaway! I've been a follower too:)


Brittany Rubin said...

loooove that color! so cute.



Anonymous said...

the bag is sooo beautiful, I want, I want!! Can Canadian's enter..I hope so :)


Meg said...

It's so pretty! Thanks for opening it to internationals (like me!)

Heidi said...

Love love love!!! I'm unemployed and haven't been able to go shopping in ages!! Crossing my fingers!


Anna said...

so nice of you to do such a great giveaway!

anna (dot) tran (at) hotmail (dot) com


Vinda Sonata said...

very interesting giveaway, taylor! i'm already a follower and would love to join.

fashion atelier.

sarah said...

Ah Betsey Johnson! I love her..Great giveaway! ♥



Move said...

I want this bag, I never have leather bag, so this giveaway is a big chance for me :)

my email is junepaski@gmail.com


Anonymous said...

Love Love Love Love it!!!!!

Hope I win!



Shellie Rodriguez California

Just Jen said...

I hope I win. I never win anything!


Sena said...

I'm a blog follower and would love to win this bag! Nice color!

Leia said...

Oh, enter me in the giveaway please! :D

Liset said...

What a great give away! Love the bag! I'm a follower :)

Bani said...

Beautiful! I love the color and sweet vintage design. Would be stoked if I won. Following you of course.

wakeupangel at gmail dot com

Sarah Anne said...

Awesome color bag, I was crushing on it hard previously when it was up for grabs in your shop, but unfortunately my broke fashionista budget wouldn't allow for me to indulge in my "bag whore" ways :( -- So I'm really hoping I win it!!! :)

<3 your blog*

Sher said...

Oh wow! I need one of those!!

I"m definitely a follower!!

Susan said...

I just love the bag, the color is classy!

*D* said...

love this bag!!


Anonymous said...

love that outfit and bag! me want both! lol
email: booboocupcakes@gmail.com

Etrapar said...

it's so beautiful...I hope I will win ^.^

guildedsecret. said...

that bag is STELLAR. i'd love to be entered in this contest :)



Jamie Lynn said...

sign me up! love the bag :)


Andy Quirks said...

oh i so want this bag! and you know i'm a follower!


Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

YEY for opening this to international readers! :D
following you.......

and i love betsy johnson..more so, i love turquoise!


Valencia Lia said...

Yayyy I see now its for international readers as well:)

Its really so nice of you to giveaway this bag because Betsey Johnson is surely one of my fave fave designers and its so hard to find her stuff here.

And I love the color too:)

Surely a follower already and fingers crossed for now.


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Oooh, enter me! I love aqua and BJ. :)

Susan said...

what an amazing idea! lovely bag. fingers crossed :)

mariavakhterova said...

Every fashionista's dream :) !

Twitter: @bluemdesign

Unknown said...

Open to international readers? SCORE!

Did I mention, much love from India? Yes. We know you here :)

Shannon said...

Great giveaway! I think that bag is perfect :)


Kristi said...

I love the color!


jennylew said...

beautiful! love it! the color is amazing. gice it a good home! haha

Laura Gallup said...

what a great color!I love bags with different sections, helps with the organization :)

just became a follower, but I've had you bookmarked for a while!


MerSel said...

o_o woooow

SWF_Terra said...

Yes please!


michelle_ said...

Uber want this bag !
Hope I can win here :D


Anonymous said...

oh darling, that's such a beautiful betsey bag! it must be my luck, bc i love love betsey johnson! she's iconic! enter me pretty please? my email is supanunu@yahoo.com =)

oh! and i'm following you bc i love your blog and chic style! have a wonderful day. =)

Iris said...

i love the colour of the bag!


Victoria said...

loving the new blog layout looks really clean! :)
and this is an awesome giveaway, i have a bj bag right now that i use for school however it's on the edge of completely falling apart.

Irene Wang said...

Such a beautiful colour. Count me in!!



Jennifer said...

What an amazing bag! I love the unique color!


shang said...

i would love to win this bag cause i love betsey johnson so much but unfortunately i can afford to by myself one :( so i would be blessed to win this

shang said...

i would love to win this bag cause i love betsey johnson but unfortunately i can afford to buy one for myself i would be blessed if i win this:)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bag, it has to be mine!!! :D

Thank you for wellcome international fans!


xoxo Mery

The High Heel Times said...

This could be a superb gift for my gf, I keep my fingers crossed :)
Thanks for the opportunity, this is very generous from you!

Louise said...

I doubt that i win this, but i love the vibrant color of the bag, plus is betsey johnson!! :) I'm a follower via google account.


Ashley said...

I love these pics of you with the bag sooo fabulous! Funny...I'm in the market for a new bag :)



Alix said...

The color of this bag is amazing, you can wear it with anything! Keeping my fingers crossed for this one :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower on google reader and twitter (do those count?). Fingers crossed!

Alicia Samuels said...

Gorgeous Bag!



Unknown said...

the bag is gorge - www.fashionchampagne.com

Ashley Dy said...

Wow!!! I just love this bag and I can never afford it! Hahaha!!!


Alex Stoltze said...

Gorgeous bag! Great idea! Love your blog!



Lar said...

What an amazing giveaway - that bag is stunning!

Lar - squishygirltoo@gmail.com

A said...

love the vibrant color of this Betsey Bag... I usually play it safe with browns and blacks but this could be just the ticket...


Fabulocity in Amish Country said...

I'm a follower, and this bag is AMAZING!!!! :)


the style crusader said...

very cool bag! would love to be entered in your giveaway.


Anisa said...

This bag looks so fun and I adore the color.


Anisa said...

This bag looks so fun and I adore the color.


Sonya said...

Love the bag, the color is so pretty!


Shauna D's Recipes said...

Love the bag and love the blog!

fingerscrossed :D

Anonymous said...

Very cute, love the color!

Anonymous said...

Very cute, love the color!

Anonymous said...

Very cute, love the color!

maryamelia said...

love the aqua betsey bag. i'd give it a great home :)

AlixRose said...

I follow, I follow and I love that color! It will be loved with me!

Marla Singer said...

already a follower. the bag is so pretty! i love Betsey Johnson <333



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