Friday, October 29, 2010

Style to Savor: Sweet Tooth

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This weekend I plan to indulge in sweet candies and desserts. I have sworn them off during the week so I can feel less guilty on the weekends! I plan to be rip open all my favorite candies (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers). I may even have to make these babies. So it seemed appropriate to share a new Style to Savor filled with the style and sweets I have been drooling over this week!


Apt. #34 said...

gorgeous darling!

misshannie said...

love all the outfits + the delicious looking food!
have a fab weekend taylor xxxx

Rali @ Styles 'n Cream said...

Fabulous styles and yummy desserts ... Enjoy the candy!

Happy Halloween!


Jennifer S. said...

cute pics! I too plan to do a lot of indulging!


Tari said...

I love this post!

Marinka said...

that's a great idea to match style with pastries ^^ cute post !

Closet Fashionista said...

Loving this!! :D :D
And mmm, I wish I could be good and not have sweets during the week,haha

Heidi said...

Love the outfits! My favorite one would be the third one :)
I love sweets too! haha Though I don't indulge all at once over the weekend. I eat in moderation! ;)

infinitezest said...

im absolutley obsessed with you doing fashion & food next to each other that kind of go together. its so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Makes me hungry!

la petite fashionista said...

mmm i love this! and i think it's a great idea to save the sweets for the weekend and still letting yourself indulge a little bit :)

Anonymous said...


A Casa da VĂ¡ said...

I am so happy I found your blog, loving every bit of it! Have a lovely weekend

Joie de Viv said...

Beautiful compilation Taylor! Have a Happy Halloween Weekend!

xx Vivian @

A.n.E said...

this is a really cute post. juxtaposing the stylites with such delicious desserts!!! enjoyed it very much~

Tiffany Kadani said...

Perfect pairings! Way to make every part of your life stylish!

Rachella - said...

Like the glasses in the first picture! :) Nice blog, hope you'll become a follower of my blog too?

Sara Lee Bentley said...

You know why I love coming into your site? Because it's always so bright, cheery and colorful! Have a great weekend :)

Style-Pursuit said...

This is the worst thing possible, but I do the exactly same thing every week! Can't help this, autumn weekends are just made for indulging in cookies, hot chocolate and home-baked cake... :o)

Have a lovely weekend!


Anonymous said...

Nom! i love your blog, enjoy your sweets

cocorosa said...

yum yum :)


Yummy! Halloween candy here I come.

Caroline said...

One of my all time favorite posts on your blog!! I am obviously loving the introduction of food on your blog. Keep on being creative and inspiring!!! Hugs!! xo

Ana said...

All these desserts look yummy!

Taylor said...

ahh thanks everyone!!!

Ronisha said...

Breath taking :)))

Alison Kinsey said...

yum, lots of goodness in this post. I have the hugest sweet tooth too, and it always seems appropriate to indulge in a little chocolate around the holidays. But fruity sweets like Jellybeans, Skittles, and Swedish Fish are my usual go-to indulgences!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Clothes and sweets... now that's a lethal mix! :D


Anonymous said...

I adore these images!

Sybil said...

i love it!!!! the food inspired fashion is just such a great idea!! :D

Animated Confessions

Kali Ramey Martin said...

Love these photos. So inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The clothes look gorgeous and the food looks so delicious! :)


Brandi said...

I absolutely love these duos! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend indulging in sweet stuff! I had some amazing cupcakes last night.

Miyan said...

I love how you paired fashion with sweetly inspired dessert photos--- cute idea.


Sarah Klassen said...

love love love this post! Mmm, now I'm craving something sweet. I don't celebrate Halloween, but I do have a little sweets corner in the library for times like these :) Hope you enjoyed and had a fabulous weekend!

thanks so much for all of your visits and kind words on my blog -- you truly are a sweetheart!


Anonymous said...

It seems so easy to be good about sweets during the week, but on weekends it's time to indulge!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous post, girl! I really love it!

Anonymous said...

Love this post! Too cute..

stop by:

Velvet Rose said...

great post :)

Antonia said...

oh what a great idea!


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