Friday, August 27, 2010

My Ten Rules to Live By

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{Me, April, and Kristin at a winery in 2008}

I recently read an article in Shape magazine in which Kristen Bell talked about her 30 rules to live by. I thought this would be a fun thing to share. I have condensed my 30 to 10 to keep it easy. I hope you all can leave a few of your rule to live by too!

1. Don't take things too seriously. I have to remind myself all the time that I am stressing out for no reason. We can control everything by our state of mind. Happiness is a choice and I want to choose it every time.  

2. Banish the scale. This is one that Kristen Bell and I agree on. I haven't stepped on a scale at home in over three years. I judge how I feel by the way I fit into my clothes. If my jeans are a little tight, I eat healthier and run a little faster. I hate feeling like my self worth is based on a number.  

3.  Treat yourself once a week. I can sometimes get so overwhelmed with work, family, friends, blogging, that I forget to spend time on me (like here). So, at least once I make sure to read a book, get a pedicure, or cook something new. 

4. Laugh with your girls. Now that we are all getting older my girlfriends and I don't get as much time together. So, when we do we have to have fun and enjoy every moment. The days are over when we would sit around a whine over boys. Now, we are older and wiser and spend our time at wineries drinking and talking about our futures.  

5. Stay in. I am a home body and always have been. With my social circle and being in the blogging community there is always something fun happening every night. However, I know that for me to stay healthy and happy I prefer to spend most nights at home with my boyfriend cooking dinner and watching a funny movie. 

6. Do something active everyday. I understand that the more obligations we have the less time we have for being active. I am a victim of it too, but if we aren't getting the activity our bodies need we will suffer and then the obligations fall to the waste side too. So, I try my best to do something everyday. Sometimes that means Crossfit, yoga, running, and sometimes its using the stairs, parking far away to walk more, or flexing my abs while I am stuck in traffic. 

7. Give back. I love to help the community. I work with young girls who are from poor neighborhoods and help them become active in sports. Many times these girls get over looked and their parents only have time to let the brother's be active. BAWSI helps encourage young girls to get moving! If you can't do this so something nice everyday. Like telling someone they have food on their face, hold doors open,  or call someone out of the blue. 

8. Sleep for eight hours. Not everyone needs 8 hours of sleep at night, but I do! If I even miss one and sleep seven I am off for the whole day and can't focus. Know what time you need and get that every night you can-even on the weekends. 

9. Take care of your skin. This one is another biggie for me. I use to be so careless when it came to my skin. I would leave make up on for hours, never wear sunscreen and lay out all day! Now, that I am in my late twenties I know how important it is. I make sure to drink plenty of water, wash my face every night, and wear sunscreen every day. 
10. Don't fear failure. In the last few years I have tried to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things. This blog is a great example. I am not perfect and never claimed to be. I am going to wear things that don't look good and have a typo here and there. The best I can do is try my best and not be afraid to fail!

This weekend enter the giveaway for $100 to LA Vintage

I will be in Texas till Thursday and won't be as interactive, but I hope to have posts every day while I am gone.



Totally agree :) it's good to be reminded. x

Marloes | The Style Sandwich said...

great post! and I love the pic


Sherin said...

This is brilliant. I need to use this post as a mantra! Thanks. I defnitely agree with the first one.

Amber said...

great list Taylor! love it! I indulge in #4 way too often...but that's a good thing!

Christina Elaine said...

Couldn't agree more great post....


Anonymous said...

Love your list!

fashion clocked said...

i love this list and it very much is a list i live by too! gorgeous words- great start to my day- thankyou- love you last post too- gorgeous dress and mj's!!kisses katie.xx
fashion clocked

S said...

This is such a good list, but sometimes I forget to drink water and wear sunscreen! But hey, it leaves room for improvement!


Unknown said...

Great post.. I agree with all that you said.. I choose happiness too. As I agree with you for a once a week treat, I really feel it's important to take at least thirty minutes a day for you.. Fill your cup so you can help fill others..

Unknown said...

all very very true :)
i;ve been going through a breakup and you realise the people who love you most are the ones who are always there to pick up the pieces n look after you....but treating yourself helps too....result? topshop binge....oops


Sybil said...

i think im really good in saying that i do 1-5 and 10 but i really need to work on the rest.. i like your list!!! really inspiring... :D

Animated Confessions

Anna said...

This is such a great post, it's so important to be reminded of these things because so often we get too caught up in the treadmill and forget how lucky we are!

I totally agree with all of your points, especially the scale one - one figure should definitely not define your self worth. I think I would have to add 'Challenge yourself each day or do something that you are afraid of'. Personally I think I need to work on being more ambitious and dedicated.

Enjoy your weekend, hope you have some 'me' time.

Robbie xox

Alison Kinsey said...

Beautiful post Taylor, that's cool that the Shape article inspired you to write one yourself. I especially like your point to treat yourself once a week. I don't think I ever would have guessed that you're a homebody! I feel like I walk a fine line between that and being a social butterfly, but more often than not, I end up going out a lot! But there's nothing like staying in and relaxing with a nice meal and a movie!

Stephanie said...

I agree :] Great post!
I need more than 8 hours of sleep ;]

Secondhand Stella said...

Great list! I totally agree!

Closet Fashionista said...

Wow what a great list!! I need to start doing all of them, haha...I only do some ;)

Heather said...

Such a great post.

Erin said...

Great list, and cute pic!

Tiffany Kadani said...

So much great stuff in this post. Everything really resonates with me- you are so inspiring in so many ways!

Christina said...

I love your rules and live by pretty much all of them. I also like to eat. So when it's appropriate I say eat what you want and enjoy it. As long as you aren't binging there shouldn't be a problem. And if you follow your rule of staying active then there really isn't that much to worry about anyways.

Emzu said...

I agree on everything, the sleeping one is a must for me too! And yes I take care of my skin a little too freakishly for my age, I use anti wrinkle lotion! Haha! Great post and I totally agree, although it's easier said than done I will try :D x

Anonymous said...

Do you like pantyhose or tights ?

Belle de Couture said...

Cute photo and Great rules to live by... btw, I've been meaning to tell you that I think you look SO much like Kristen Bell! :D


Becca said...

Great list - thanks for reminding me of keeping these things in mind :)


Taylor Sterling said...

You all are so inspiring to me too! I love reading your comments. I agree Christina- that we should eat-sometimes I get caught up with diets.

Anonymous- I like tights. :)

Unknown said...

Great post and such a lovely reminder that I needed. I heart you!

Taylor said...

I read this article too! And it got me to thinking as well!

- I am an 8-hour girl as well! I NEED them every day or I have a rough day!
- Happiness is relative - I determine what it means to be happy!
-Leave work at work, get off and spend time on myself - gym, cooking, girlfriends, Husband, and me time!
-take every opportunity to challenge yourself - in your career, at home just in general! Don't stop sunning them you initally want to, try a hard new reciepe, love without fear of getting hurt!


Have a wonderful weekend beautiful!!!

Jessica said...

I love this idea, Taylor. Such great rules to live by!

KristiMcMurry said...

Those are some good rules. I think I might try the banish the scale thing. I got so depressed yesterday when I weighed...even though I can tell my "extra baggage" has been going away since joining the gym, the number on the scale still got to me.

LA said...

Great rules! Agree... but I should try some of them more often =)


Holli said...

I love this post...and I agree an every single one of your 10..Great way to live life to the fullest!

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing post! Thanks so much for sharing!
Stay the way you are:)

Ashley J said...

Love the rules to live by!!!!

Heather said...

Rule number one is the one I'm trying to live by most right now. Great post!

the chirpy bird said...

Great rules to live by! And when we share with each other {especially as women} we all gain a tip and perhaps a tool for our own lives! Nicely done!
xo tash

Taylor Sterling said...

Taylor- I love your rules! So true!!

Icelandboy said...

What kind of tights are you personally into and on what occasions do you wear them ?

archives vintage said...

well spoken and inspiring! thanks for sharing :)

Alicia Clinton said...

thanks so so much for sharing, Taylor. these were great reminders for me and everyone else too! you are so sweet. hope your weekend is the best. xo

Taylor Sterling said...

Thanks all! You too!

Annelie said...

great rules :-) have fun in Texas

Alexandra said...

Very inspirational post! I definitely totally agree with you on some of them...I'm finding as I'm getting older, the staying in, being active everyday, and getting 8 hours of sleep rules are becoming increasingly important!

Unknown said...

This is a great post and I appreciate you posting it! It's so easy (especially these days) to just go-go-go without taking time for oneself. I, for one, need to stop taking life so seriously, thanks for the reminder!

Kali Ramey Martin said...

Great post. I think it's good to know what makes you happy and balances your life!:)

Lainey said...

You are always so positive and I adore you and your blog for that. I try and live by the same rules as well. I wish I more consistent, but the word is trying. I really enjoyed this post.

Liz said...

Absolutely love this! Especially stay in and don't fear failure. My list would be darn close to yours :) Have a fantastic weekend!


I like the last one, don't fear failure. It is very true. x

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! Wonderful post!

K A T H L E E N said...

definitely agree! the outfit in ur next post below is perfect!come follow me xoxo

Catarina said...

Great post. I definately agree with all 10.

Jamie said...

Great post! I Especially think spending time with girlfriends is super important as well as time for ourselves!

Lawn Party said...

totally agree. but a great reminder. especially #10.

the style crusader said...

oh this is such a great idea for a post. really lovely to read all your tips. i totally agree with everything you've said. i was thinking of my top tip as i read through and then your final one pretty much nailed it on the head. lately, since me and fred are both in the process of finishing degrees/applying for jobs... my motto has sort of become: if you don't apply for something you definitely wont get it. getting turned down for jobs is disheartening but if you don't put yourself out there you definitely don't even have a shot. #10: don't fear failure is definitely the one i am reminding myself of most these days.

enjoy your trip!

Alicia Lund said...

Great post Taylor! These are all great rules to live by but I especially agree with #10 :)

My New Favourite Thing said...

Thankyou for sharing! There are some real pearls of wisdom here xx

Sarah said...

I can't agree with you more - this is an amazing piece of advice to live by x

Sammy said...

This post is truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing :)


Nausica said...

I really enjoyed reading this! It was like a magazine article, only smarter and more sincere.

Niki said...

very good rules! i've banished my scale too... under my sink where it doesnt taunt me. haha

karolinka_997 said...

I love your blog <3 ! Lovely blog and I follow via google.
It would make me very happy if you would follow me, too.

Jaymie said...

agreed, love this post :) just found your blog and its awesome!

Nicole Marie said...

i ABSOLUTELY need 8 hours of sleep!! at least 7 . my roommates think i'm a grandma cause i go to sleep early but i don't care i NEED my sleep!

Neekoh said...

These are great and I agree with you on all counts! I might have to make my own list to add to yours soon :D


365 Fashion Rehab said...

Dear SS ~
I am a little spooked at how much I am in agreement with your list - especially #'s 4, 5, 8 & 9.... though come to think of it #'s 1,2,3,6,7 & 10 are pretty spot on as well.
Thank you for posting this. I love your blog and it is a true gift to share this part of yourself with your readers. It is such good advice, I just might have to print it off and post it above my desk - so I can remind myself of all ten every day.
Love, P

365 Fashion Rehab said...

P.S. LOVE the photo!!! (are you in Napa?)


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