Friday, June 25, 2010

Fashionably Fit

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Many of you know my two passions are fitness and fashion. Both of which fuel my days and give me constant inspiration. I don't claim to be the best in either one of these departments, but I sure work hard at incorporating them into my daily routine. I get a lot of emails asking about working out and how to stay motivated. I also get questions about what work outs to do and what works best. These questions can be hard to answer since everyone is different and has different opinions on what works, but I thought I would share my own routine and what works for me. 

1. Try to plan your week in advance. Things are bound to come up and change, but it is always best to have an ideal schedule in mind that keeps you organized and prepared. This will keep you from making excuses that you don't have your gym bag or the right shoes. 

2. Always pack your gym bag the night before. I have learned that if I am not ready to go to work out right away I tend to get distracted or too tired and decide not to go. However, if I have that gym bag in my trunk every day and can swing by the gym right after work I tend to go more. 

3. Do something that challenges you. This is something that most women DON'T do. They will go to the gym and do the elliptical machine for 45 minutes while reading magazines and then they do abs and leave. NEWS FLASH this will not make you fit ladies.  Most women have a hard time realizing that even if you only work out for 20 minutes, if you push yourself to your limits in that short time you will see more results than if you spent an hour working half as hard. 

4. Do not try to work on trouble areas. This also does not work. You can't say, "I want my arms more toned and my calves to be smaller". Now, granted these things can come from an overall fitness regimen, but you can't go into a gym and try to do tricep push downs all day and expect results. You need a combination of weight training, cardo, and diet to attain results. 

5. Don't be afraid to get bulky. This is something I have even struggled with. You think that by lifting heavy weights you will turn into a body builder. This will not happen unless you want to look like one and even if you did you would have to eat and lift like a crazy person to get there. Women spend way too much time worrying about this and lift 8-10 pound dumbbells. At Crossfit I lift heavy weight and I have more lean muscle than I did before. I do have larger quads, but they are fit and strong and what is so wrong about that?
There are so many other things to think about and I will save them for another post. Just remember the most important thing of all is to have fun and feel good about yourself. If you aren't than you may need to try something new.
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Brianna said...

Very cute post :) I need to restart doing pilates again. It made me feel amazing and it uses muscles I never knew I had. Good for you for accepting how your body builds itself when you exercise.

Unknown said...

Great post.. Thanks for sharing. This was exactly what I needed!!

eleanor said...

what a great post! fitness is something i need to incorporate into my life A LOT more. thanks!


Anthea said...

Awesome stuff. Nice to hear that you're trying to incorpoate both of your passions in your daily life. I find that packing the gym bag the night before helps alot.

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

I love your workout posts you should do them more often!!! So how often do you work out in a week?

Anonymous said...

Great post!

Yvonne said...

You GO GIRL! Thanks for the motivation! Great tips!


jemina said...

darling, you look beautiful and gorgeous in every picture, i never exercise at all, me = lazy bum, LOL, happy weekend and much love to you, XOXO

Style-Pursuit said...

I do agree with everything written in this post! :o) Since I lost some weight a few years ago, I can't live without a bit of fitness incorporated into my daily routine... It's the best way to feel and even sleep better!


ChloƩ said...

Hi! I'm french and i discovered your blog in Lookbook. I like your blog, your style, and your pictures. All is beautiful. Sorry, i speak english not realy good. But, i love your blog. C'est magnifique! Bisous bisous.

Sherin said...

Great advice: thanks. I do want to get more in shape nowadays, so I'm inspired now.

Grace, Money Smart Fashion said...

love this post! fitness has always been a part of my life and now more so then ever.

I started taking a group personal training class at work and I can honestly say I have never pushed myself so hard in my life.

I see a difference already!

Nicole Marie said...

i've come to realize that i think i'm a pilates girl. i'm not kidding every single time i start doing any kind of stregnth training like even an abs class i gain 5 pounds and i look bloated. and its not just muscle building waiting for my fat to go away. the only thing that makes me feel good and not fatter is pilates and swimming and running but i hate running. its so weird. i love my abs class and strength training but i hate felling and looking fatter when i'm working hard.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Great post!! I see sooo many women doing the slow-paced elliptical while flipping through magazines, and I myself did that for years... it wasn't until I started doing classes that pushed me harder than I would naturally push myself that I started seeing results. And then I just spent the last week eating pizza and doritos pretty much constantly... argh, detox next week!

Pretty Pleased said...

Wow, what inspiring pics! I am totally impressed + motivated. I love fitness but tend to get stuck in a workout rut...Thanks for sharing~now i know why you look so smashing in your outfit posts;)

Anonymous said...

OMG Crossfit! I've been looking at taking my training to the next level and have thought of going Crossfit (as I'm already on zone) but I chicken out. Good for you!

Closet Fashionista said...

Awesome tips!! And those photos are great!! :D

Christina said...

I feel like this extremely real and helpful advice. I see some areas where I can improve. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great tips! :D
I need to go back to yoga again, i miss it so much!

Lynzy said...

I share the same two passions! I have been working out religiously since high school. I love your photos! Makes me want to get out there!

xo Lynz

Tiffany Kadani said...

You are amazing! Whew! These picture are fabulous and so inspiring not just for us but for everyone. Check out those gams and those guns! It's so true what you said about pushing yourself. Not only is it more beneficial it makes you feel awesome.

Anonymous said...

omg. i love this photo of u with the Lulu tat on ur arm!! ur sooo cute and i LOVE seeing this side of your life. I have been going to the gym alot lately. I find it a very rewarding part of my life. I NEVER ran before. I was always one of the eliptical barbies, hair bobbing up and down. NOT ANYMORE. My boyfriend has been pushing me to push my limits especially with my foot issues. I am RUNNING NOW!!! and feeling amazing.

xoxo, Kim

Unknown said...

Looking sexy in those leggings & tee! I need to learn to love to be fit. Seriously whats wrong with me!?


Taylor said...

I agree with EVERYTHING you have written!!! Push your self hard, lift more weight than you think, and DO IT!!! I follow are pretty similar regime and my results seem very similar to yours! Congrats and keep up the great work! (Ps Love your name ;) )

merciblahblah said...

AMEN Sister! It drives me to the brink of insanity to see people on the treadmill or eliptical reading or even worse - TALKING ON THE PHONE. I always think - if you are able to read or talk, you are NOT working out hard enough!

Thanks for encouraging women to lift weights - it's the one thing that has changed my body more than a bejillion hours of cardio!


Lemon Drop Love said...

Hey! Great post :) I think you pin pointed some of the questions I asked you in my e-mail (thank you!)I also noticed we now following eachother on twitter! Hope you have a nice weekend!

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

Love this post, thanks! I use to be a 60 minute gym runner. Recently, I got a trainer who is teaching me how to properly use all the equipment at the gym and I'm learning so much about my body! In the past three months I have seen huge changes and it is so great! I had no idea what I was missing out on!!

Delightful Bitefuls

KRISTY said...

Wow, thanks for the great tips! I'm guilty of breaking all the rules you made in this post :p I'll definitely toss out those magazines I liked to read when doing the elliptical exercise ;)

Taylor Sterling said...

I love reading all of your comments! You all are amazing women! Gabby- I work out (on a good week) 5 days. I always make time for rest days. My body needs it when I am pushing it hard. Then there are weeks like this one where I am sick that I have to be ok with two days. Just listening to me body helps. However, I always want to get out and do MORE.
Nicole- I feel you sometimes I feel more large and bloated after heavy weight, but it goes away. Maybe it is just that you are building muscle. It can be hard as a woman not to get freaked out by it. I suffer with it in my legs. I have always had larger quads and since I started doing a billion squats, lunges, jumps, etc, they have gotten more defined and large. However, there is less fat on them and I am so capable. I use to feel weak and like I couldn't lift heavy objects. Now I feel like I could go mountain climbing and be fine.
But it is hard sometimes.
Oh and I am wearing Lululemon pants and sports bra here.

SWF_Terra said...

YOU ROCK SO HARD IT HURTS. You know I'm a huge fan of Crossfit, pushing your body to the brink and loving to hate every second. Thank you for posting this and sharing the not so secret way to looking your best. xo

dressperado said...

I found this post incredibly helpful. I'm a runner but I should be mixing it up with weights. Planning ahead and challenging myself will help me exercise more and if I apply them to eating, I will eat more healthy. Thanks! :-)

Apt. #34 said...

atta girl sister. A comrade in the girls can be buff camp! I love me some crossfit but I've moved onto Bar Method recently. Totally different kind of intensity - totally self driven, but gives you a dancers booty!

fashion clocked said...

Cool post and pointers! I used to do a lot of gym- boxercise classes, running etc but have fallen in love with the likes of yoga, pilates, aerobics and gentler exercise- core stability etc. Also a fan of Tracy Anderson and the idea of constantly working different muscle groups to never build up certain areas.
I have been ill for a long time and now getting better it feels a relief to be getting back to being able to exercise!xxx
fashion clocked
call by sometime!xxxx katie.xx

Dylana Suarez said...

You are so inspiring girl. The tips are very helpful. And I so agree with you about changing your workout so that you challenge yourself rather than just do the same monotonous workout everyday (I hate that darn elliptical machine). I always try to change it up and stay away from standing machines. So I love to run, bike ride, jump rope, dance. But I have never tried cross fit. Because of you, I want to give a it a shot someday! :)

GlowGleamGlisten said...

Love this post! Great fitness tips, and it's refreshing to see another side of your life : )

Shamini said...

i just can say WOW!
Respect lady! i have some health probs ... but even if i did not, i'm not sure i would have the guts to do what you have done!

Anonymous said...

How is it that you're working out and you still look ooober cute?


Alison Kinsey said...

Taylor this post was awesome! Love that you shared your own personal tips and workout routine. I've been doing strength training workouts for the past couple of months and it's amazing to see how toned my arms have gotten in such a short period of time - and not even with heavy weights! I think staying motivated is the key. It's great you can do it several days a week.

Unknown said...

Taylor what a great post! I'm really trying to get back into working out. Since I've lost the unwanted extra pounds I had, I'm trying to focus on not just being thin but actually being fit and in good shape. I found this post very helpful with good information on how to stay motivated which is what I have the most trouble with! And it's so much better reading posts like this which encourages a woman to be healthy and fit instead of those type of posts where girls only focus on being stick thin!

Caroline said...

You ROCK!!! You are so inspiring!!!! Are you into Yoga?? Yoga Source in our town has a fantastic Power Yoga class ... went all last week .. we should have a little get together!!! XO

Erica said...

This was such a great post! I think you have a killer body. Thank you for sharing how you maintain it ; )

Catarina said...

Great post. I so agree with the cardio, weight training and diet. I sarted incorporating that regime in my life a few months back and I have already noticed a difference. I go to the gym 4 times a week and rotate between a day of cardio, one of weights for my arms and another day for my legs. I do cardio and abs everytime I go all while trying to maintain a healthy diet. I hope to reach my ideal weight and body shape soon, i'm getting there slowly but surely :)

Jennifer said...

i love this post! I recently started working out and sometimes its a little overwhelming to work full time and try to find time to work out all while trying to do other "life" things. I have found though that even if I go for a little while I ususally feel like doing the whole workout. Plus it always makes me feel better when I know i'm making my body better and I can see the results as well. I can't wait till your next post on fitness!

Dixi Wonderland said...

I have just started to take my workingout for real and this text was very inspiering!

Kelly said...

Ah, Thank you so much!! I really need this, as I'm trying to start an exercise plan for myself.

<3 Kelly

Elle Croft said...

Thanks for this post; it's just what I needed. I recently got out of my regular exercise routine and have struggled (i.e. been really lazy) to get back into one. That's it! I'm going running this week!

Christen said...

You are such an inspiration!

Sammy said...

Great post! You're a great inspiration to me :)


Raquelita said...

I'm coming out of a bit of a slump. The final stages of my PhD were not conducive to healthy eating or logging in much time at the gym. I'm excited to start making it a more important priority again.

Taylor Sterling said...

all of you are so inspiring! Keep up the great work!! let me know all of your progress!!

Anonymous said...

Darling thank you so much for sharing this!

Such wonderful advice. You have an amazing routine.

Unfortunately I don't do the gym but I do get up at half six every morning and do a two mile walk and I occasionally do the odd bit of yoga. I need to start doing more though!

My interest seems to lie more in nutrition. I am totally fascinated by it. I try convince myself that my healthy eating makes up for the lack of exercise in my life. Not so sure though!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend sweetheart!


Laura Lynn said...

Love love love this post!! Thanks for sharing your fitness pointers.. I love when bloggers feel free to bring up what's important to them outside of fashion. I admire your motivation!

The High Heel Times said...

Again, you're amazing, pure inspiration!

kimmiegc said...

You are so right about women not pushing themselves enough when trying to get fit. You've got to get out of your comfort level. Thanks for the inspirational post!

Belle de Couture said...

Very inspiring, Taylor. Made me want to jump out of my chair and run to the gym right this second! :)

You go girl, you look great!!


Sara said...

Great post! I was honestly just wondering over the weekend when you were gonna do a post like this :) More are welcome!!

Jasmine said...

Great post. Our physical education teacher my senior year of high school would make us use Cross Fit exercises. I loved it. I've never felt so fit in my entire life then when I took that class.


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