Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Things That Make Me Smile

My iPad & Jess LC case (that match my business cards)
My Glitter Guide business cards by GADABOUT
MCMC Phoenix perfume oil & Rodin Olio Lusso face oil 

How cool is the description for the MCMC Phoenix perfume oil?! 

"Phoenix is about a girl I know.  With fair skin and light blond hair, she’s ethereal and beautiful like a mythical fire bird.  When I call her she does not come, but she floats in and out of my life". - Anne McClain


Erin at thesparkle.net said...

lovvvvve your business cards! have been coveting the rodin oil... may have to take the plunge! x


Natasha Fatah said...

Love your glittery iPad case! :)

~Natasha Fatah~

Alethia said...

I love the business cards! So cute :)


Anonymous said...

I love how your business cards match the ipad case! I wish they came in black and gold or pink and gold for me! :(


Becoming Refined said...

Those business cards are so cool, love that they are square shaped.

Tiffany @ Savor Home said...

Love your business cards! You have the BEST style...

Anael [Golden Fetes] said...

In love with your business cards!

Josie said...

Those Glitter Guide cards are GORGEOUS!
xo Josie

Lauren (BestTrendz) said...

LOVE your business cards. The iPad case is lovely, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, those are the cutest business cards ever!

Anonymous said...

Do you have an iPad 2 or 3? I really like that case but I saw it was made for an iPad2. If you do have an iPad3 does it fit well in the case?

Unknown said...

LOVE the cards! so cute!


Sarah Sekaran said...

Absolutely love the iPad case!


Andrea said...

I love your business cards! They are fantastic!! :)
Wonderful and Marvelous

Live-Style20 said...

fine things : DD


StyloweOne said...

sweet !

Anonymous said...

Oh my, your iPad case & business cards are just gorgeous! x

Kate {Something Fabulous}


Katie said...

oo i love your ipad case!

katie x

Ashley Turner said...

That iPad case is LUSH! I need a new one...

Made in Hunters said...

I love that iPad case! Why don't i have that in my life?!


Ola said...

perfumes are my must have too ;)


love your ipad case!!


Anonymous said...

I like the design of business cards.. And most of all - ipad case!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Char said...

Love this ipad case! SO beautiful!
Char xo

Southern Styled Flair by Brandi said...

Love the cards and case!



Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

I love you ipad case, so pretty! and I like the idea of perfumed oil, Ill have to check it out

Jolie Jouel said...

Love that iPad case, the business cards and the perfume and oil. Really, I love it all!

My jewelry blog: joliejouel.blogspot.com

RWL said...

Your business cards are so cute! I love untraditionally shaped ones. Have you seen the mini ones at moo.com? Love it.



Ambyr said...

That iPad case is awesome. I love the silky gold inside.


Roma is Love said...

blessings indeed can come in small and big packages :) Imagine happiness from business cards! :)

Jessica @ Here(and)Now said...

I have been wanting an iPad for a while, but it definitely moved up my list after seeing that adorable case!

Anonymous said...

Why have you been so MIA?? Miss your frequent posts!!

Marine said...

I looove your business cards and the nail polish you're wearing! Where did you buy it? :)

Unknown said...

those business cards are AMAZING!


Jess LC said...

oh my goodness! What a lovely treat to see how beautifully your iPad case goes with your other items!

Those cards are adorable! : )

BelleBelle said...

Isn't that Rodin oil the best? Smells so good too.

Erica said...

Love your business cards & the iPad case!


la la Lovely said...

Oh, all these things make me smile too. Love the MCMC perfume oil and hoping to get my hands on some Rodin soon too. Love the iPad case. I love my CV case but it's more of a pouch and I need one that I can open like this!
Happy weekend!
xo . trina

la la Lovely said...

Oh, all these things make me smile too. Love the MCMC perfume oil and hoping to get my hands on some Rodin soon too. Love the iPad case. I love my CV case but it's more of a pouch and I need one that I can open like this!
Happy weekend!
xo . trina

ame said...

YAY someone else has a square card!!! What card case do you carry them in?

he-fashion said...

your business cards is awesome


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