Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mash Up

The Trench
The Trench
The Trench
The Trench
The Trench
Jacket- Bebe, Shirts-H&M and Modcloth, Jeans-Gap (similar here), Shoes-Zara, Clutch-Club Monaco (seen here), Sunglasses-American Apparel, Necklace-Forever 21

This is not my typical look. To be honest I actually felt a little foolish in this. I probably won't ever wear it again or I will try it with skinny jeans and pumps (more me). However, I like playing with my style and trying new things. This is my "getting dressed in the dark" look. I grabbed anything I felt like and threw it on and this is what I ended up with. One thing I will be wearing again is my Club Monaco bright yellow clutch. I bought this years ago and it's back on trend (don't you love when that happens!).


Claire said...

you look adorable! it might not be your "typical" outfit, but i appreciate you trying something new. the purse is great, i do love when things i've saved come back in style (and get bummed out when i've given them away).

treatursweet said...

I think this looks great! Well you always look great. I like the jeans a lot. Agree cute purse!

I Turner said...

Such a cute look! I especially love the pop of colour from the clutch and groovy sunglasses.

Estefania Lovelifefashion said...

You look great!!! But if you feel strange in this outfit I would understand you change the jeans for skinnies and pumps ;)
Thanks for your sweet comment :)
I like your blog!! I'm gonna take a look at it right now :P

Nicole Lisa said...

This may not be "your look" but you pull it off perfectly!
And that clutch is simple the greatest.
<3 Nicole Lisa

Unknown said...

love that purse! Such a lovely shade of yellow, and such a happy piece in any outfit!

Miyan said...

you shouldn't feel foolish, because you really look great! but i totally understand what you mean about it not being your "typical" look and feeling funny in it. it helps to know this happens to others :)


Gabriella said...

I think you still look darling!
Love the yellow clutch. A really nice pop of colours! x

Unknown said...

I think it's a really put together look.. Love the rolled up jeans with the booties!!

RosaLovesDC said...

I really like this look. Though I also prefer skinny jeans, I am all about rolled-up relaxed jeans with heels or flats.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about??? It looks great!

P.S: Today is my blog's Bday!!! :) I'll be hosting a giveaway which (I know for a fact :) will blow your mind!!! :D

Unknown said...

love your American Apparel shades! they look great on you. i'm the same way with baggy 'boyfriend' jeans, as much as i try to wear them i never quite feel like myself. you pulled it off well! XXO

Emily said...

Well you might have felt uncomfortable but you look super cute!! Love the yellow clutch - I'm dying for something similar!
xoxo Emily

Unknown said...

You can still tell it is your overall style, despite this not being a "typical outfit" for you... you got the leopard print going!

Adore that clutch. Yellow makes everything so bright and cheery!

Closet Fashionista said...

Oooh I like it! But I agree, skinnies and pumps is more you, but this is still great :D

Jennifer S. said...

I am loving that bright pink clutch....


Jennifer S. said...

I don't know why I just said bright pink because clearly its yellow....ooopppsss...its way to early in the am....


Anonymous said...

I totally love your shoes <3

Emilie said...

Love the yellow clutch!

BrooklynBlonde said...

Why wouldn't you wear this again!? I think you look fab. I love the bf jeans. I've been experimenting with them lately myself and it's a nice change!

Kristyn Burtt said...

The clutch is the key element to that outfit.

Giveaway time:

Unknown said...

this outfit is accesorized perfectly. love the bright clutch, the glasses, and the shoes are amazing!

<3 steffy

The Bohemienne said...

It might not be your usual style, but you do look great! I'm loving the peep-toe booties.

Anonymous said...

I love the pop of yellow!

Anonymous said...

I love the pop of yellow!

Jaclyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leah said...

Sometimes getting dressed in the dark ends up with the best outfits. I love this, no need to feel foolish at all.

xo L.

Taylor Sterling said...

Thanks everyone. Your making me re-think the whole never wear this again. Sometimes you need feedback from stylish people. Thanks for the kind words! :)

Unknown said...

it looks great on you! however, i totally get what you say about not feeling like yourself in certain things. however, love that you pushed yourself and i think the outcome is quite terrific :)

The Fancy Teacup said...

For a "getting dressed in the dark" look, you still look fantastic. I love it when trends come back; that yellow Club Monaco clutch is definitely a keeper.
much love.

ThE fAsHiOn WoRsHiPeR said...

Great clutch doll, love leopard print & yellow together!

XoXo-Kelli K

Style-Pursuit said...

What's wrong with this one?! I think you look great in this combination! :o)


Alicia Lund said...

Haha, I can't believe you said you felt foolish - I LOVE this look. I'm usually dressed in a similar fashion on the weekends :)

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

I love it :) You always looks fab!

Mary xx
Delightful Bitefuls

Veronika Novotny said...

Gorgeous look. I love how you styled it here, but I also like the idea of skinny jeans + pumps! That's the great thing about blogging, you get to delve into your personal style, and yours is so, so lovely. xx veronika

Miranda said...

I like it, it's always fund to try something a little different.


Jamie said...

Love that clutch!!

Kate said...

I love that clutch!

Lela London said...

You're crazy - you look gorgeous here!

Lela London - Fashion Blog

Christina said...

I actually think this is one of your most sophisticated looks. The leopard print adds that bit of drama, but the jeans are still relaxed and you have accessorized perfectly without going too over the top.

Tiffany Kadani said...

I love that you took this risk. I think you pulled it off very well and if I saw you on the street I would have definitely asked you for a picture.

Caroline said...

That clutch is great!! And, you really look great in any and everything. XO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the clutch!

Miss Fashion said...

In love with the clutch!


Heather said...

I think you pull off this outfit amazingly! :)

Josie said...

You look too cute, Taylor. I love your coat and that fabulous bright little clutch.
xo Josie

Ambyr said...

I'm loving the yellow/red look... I'm rocking it today too, yellow sweater, red pumps!


Taylor said...

I love yellow! It's the color of happy!

Anonymous said...

The yellow clutch is fantastic! Perfect style and colour. -Angela

Taylor Sterling said...

Now, I may just have to wear this again b/c of all you. :)

Heidi said...

Cute look, you look very comfy. I would be kind of uncomfortable too with the boyfriend jeans. I prefer my skinny jeans...hehe :)

bestie said...

Are you serious? Taylor you look amazing in this outfit!! It's such a classy look with such timeless pieces. I absolutely adore it. :3

Caro said...

That clutch is great -- love when things come back in style!


Unknown said...

what a fun, bright outfit!!!


Emily said...

I think you look great!

Dylana Suarez said...

I really love this fun mix!


Ashley Turner said...

Come back and look at these photos again in 3 weeks and maybe you'll like it more! I love this outfit and it's just inspired me to follow your blog! It's so chic, yet fun and funky!

Allie Emme said...

This look looks great on you! It's always good to try new looks/step outside your comfort zone once in awhile. Love the rolled up jeans.

Emy said...

I think you pulled it off nicely, no need to feel silly:) Love the clutch, you must be so happy it's all back!!

The Pretty Life Anonymous said...

You have no reason to feel foolish! You look fab!!!

Lindsay With An "A" said...

See, I think you look ADORABLE here! Love the contrast from your usual style. I love when people "change things up." It's so refreshing! xx

Rene Braun said...

I love your clutch!



Natalie Brooke said...

You look great!! I love the clutch and trench! :)

Keep smiling!


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