Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Blog!

Tomorrow is Sterling Style's 2nd birthday! I can't believe how fast these two years zipped by. It's been an amazing journey. Two years ago I tired of filling up countless binders with inspiring images and tidbits and wanted a new outlet. I'd never considered starting a blog until I Googled the Miss Dior Cherie campaign and landed on Poetic and Chic's blog. It opened my eyes to a whole new world. I wouldn't have experienced such amazing things without your support. You make me want to be a better blogger and a better person. Thank you.

Check out a few memorable posts below (click on the image for the post).

(Old backdrop, new camera in 2009)
(celebrating spring in 2010)
(one of my many visits to Santa Cruz)
(Lucky and H&M collaboration)
(in love with my cottage)
(Fossil 2010 Holiday Lookbook)
(celebrating love in 2011)
{top image via Flikr and edited by me}


Anonymous said...

congratulations taylor. your blog is an inspiration and daily read!


modern.girl said...

happy happy birthday!!! congrats! here's to many more~


Jackie said...

Happy birthday! May there be many many more great inspiring posts to come! xx-Jackie

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Happy Birthday Sterling Style! We love you and cannot wait to see what the next few years will bring! :)

Lila said...

Happy birthday Sterling Style!! :)

Here's to more inspirational and beautiful posts in the future!

Unknown said...

Yay! Happy 2 years Taylor...can't wait to see what this next year brings you...

Kristyn Burtt said...

Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday.. I've had as much fun visiting your blog as you've had making it!!

Siena in Style said...

congratulations!!I love your blog!kiss from Prague

Estefania Lovelifefashion said...

Happy blog birthday hun. you've got a nice blog.

Emy said...

Happy birthday beautiful blog!! Congrats on your wonderful work. I look forward to it everyday and your an incredible inspiration! I hope you have a fabulous weekend with lots to celebrate!

Sasha said...

Happy styleish blogbirthday, dear! Have some fun! ;)

Rene Braun said...

Congrats! Love your blog, it's interesting and informative! Keep posting :)))



Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

congratulations Taylor, you have created a beautiful place!! Thanks! xo

BrooklynBlonde said...

Happy Birthday, wonderful blog of yours! Thanks for blogging and for inspiring all of us on a daily basis!

Hey There Carole! said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad that I found your blog.

bestie said...

Happy Blogiversary Taylor! You never fail to inspire me. <33 here's to many more stylish years ahead! Cheers. (:

RosaLovesDC said...

Congrats! I love the blog!

Selina. said...

Happy birthday sterling style!

Closet Fashionista said...

I loved this look back at the blogs past too :D

The Fancy Teacup said...

I always remember being charmed by that photo of you running around in the field with the pastel balloons, it was such a cute photo set. Happy birthday to your blog, Taylor!!
much love.

ThE fAsHiOn WoRsHiPeR said...

Happy 2nd Blog Bday doll, keep up the great work! Cheers to more success in the future :)

XoXo-Kelli K

Kate said...

Aw, I don't think I had seen that first photo before - so pretty of you! Happy birthday, blog! You're one of my favorites, and I can't wait to see what you've got in store for the next year!

A Fine Balance said...

Happy Birthday!
I've been following you for a little over 2 months and its changed my life....inspired me to start a blog of my own!

Thank you :)

Valencia Lia said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sterlingstyle!!! And congrats to you too:) You've been such a daily inspiration to so many of us out there and keep up what you're doing. It's been so wonderful.

Cheers to many more gorgeous years to come~

Jennifer S. said...

congrats on 2 years Taylor. May you have many many more years of blogging!


My Dressy Ways said...

Wow! Two years! Congratulations! I love your blog and always look forward to reading/viewing your posts. Here's to many more!

Sandra said...

Happy birthday! :)) Love your blog!

Christina said...

Congrats! I have been following for a while now, and it is so fun to see how far you have come. I remember a post a while back that I reposted of you wearing red tights with a black outfit. That pretty much sold me on this blog. Oh and one of my favorite memories was when I won those James Jeans. I think that should be included above. Haha :)

Katherine said...

Happy blog anniversary! You deserve all your success 10x :)

Unknown said...

congratualtions! it is amazing how much your blog has brought to you!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Sammy said...

Congratulations! Keep up :)


Sara said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Congrats on the popularity of it!

Diane said...

happy 2nd birthday blog! yay!!!

Unknown said...

congrats on this milestone, taylor! so glad i found your blog--it's one of my daily reads.

Anonymous said...

Happy blog-iversary!


The Vintage Huntress

FinnP said...

Happy 2nd birthday, love your blog and read every single day. Hope there will be many, many more to come!

Punctuation Mark said...

wishing you many many more years of fun bloggin!

Julie and Lauren said...

Amazing! Congratulations. The cottage picture is perfection.

Ms. P and C said...

Congratulations to you & your lovely blog! Here's to many more years!!! xoxoxo

Marcie said...

Very cool, Taylor! It has been such a successful journey for you, and watching it has been great. You are such an inspiration for all of us working women who need to always look good on a budget. Thanks for your countless tips and pretty girl tricks! :)


Santina said...

Congratulations, Taylor! It's incredible what you've accomplished in two years! You're very much an inspiration just as Poetic and Chic was to you. Keep up the good work!


treatursweet said...

Happy Birthday Sterling Style... We LOVE U!

Color Collective said...

Congrats Taylor!! Sterling Style is such an inspirational blog!!

Mary @Delightful Bitefuls said...

You're 2 and FABULOUS! Love starting every morning with YOU!

Much LOVE!!
Mary xo
Delightful Bitefuls

Becca [Free Honey] said...

Happy blog birthday! I always enjoy your mix of content and consistently wonderful style. Here's to many more years of blogging (and getting even bigger and better)!

Contact said...

how exciting! congratulations, and much more to come!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Happy Anniversary! I remember MY very fist Sterling Style encounter. You were in your kitchen I thought you were the cutest blogger ever. Congrats on two wonderful years!

The Purse-a-holic said...

Haven't been following your blog that long, but loved what i've seen so far.

Confessions of a Purse-a-holic

Kayla said...

Happy Birthday sterlingstyle! I hope for many more years of reading and inspiration from ya!

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
Fanciful Brainstorm - Tumblr

Taylor said...

Thanks ladies! I'm honored to be a daily read for some of you. Thanks to those of you who have been long time supporters! You really have seen the blog grow.

I guess I don't call it an anniversary b/c that is more like my blog and I have been together for 2 years. I think of it more as my baby that was born and maturing. Sounds weird, but true. Whatever it is I'm happy to have it and your support! :)

Ambyr said...

Congrats on the 2 year accomplishment. I love reading your blog.
Also, your "in love with my cottage" dress is sooo cute!

Happy Friday,

Tanya Dempsey said...

Happy Birthday Sterling Style! You inspire all of us!


November Grey
Secondhand Star

Tanya Dempsey said...

Wait a minute. No way! After reading your blog bday post, I realized I was coming up on my one year blog birthday... so I checked and (seriously so weird) my very first post was on March 26th too!! Check it here. Crazy!

I hope it's a good omen. ;)


November Grey
Secondhand Star

Heidi said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary on your blog! I have only been following you for about 6 months or so but I have enjoyed every post! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 2 years! That is so amazing what you have accomplished in a short amount of time. I'm so glad I came across your blog, it's definitely one of my daily reads

Josie said...

Happy blog birthday, doll! You're a daily source of inspiration; thank you so much, Taylor!
xo Josie

Alicia Lund said...

I had no idea Sterling Style was only 2 - I thought it was more like 4! Look how much you've accomplished!!!! So amazing Taylor :)

Alison Kinsey said...

happy blog birthday Taylor!!! sterling style is one of my daily reads as well. the "voice" behind your blog is truly inspiring and always full of fresh content and ideas. and of course i always love all the outfit posts! here's to many more years of blogging!

Meisha.Style said...

Happy birthday!!!and more and more to come...!!!

Taylor said...

Thank you ladies!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations my dear!! So fantastic! I loved seeing the different images from the past! You are stunning, your blog is brilliant and there are so many bright things in the future for you!



Becky said...

Congratulations on your second birthday!

Caroline said...

Happy Two Years to your wonderful blog!!! XO!

ever ours said...

happy blog birthday! *throws confetti*

cait - pretty and fun said...

happy blog birthday, lady!


The High Heel Times said...

Congratulations, I'm so happy you've started this blog! I hope you'll continue for a lot more years to come!

Claire said...

Congratulations on all that you've accomplished in 2 years! You have such an inspiring blog.

Taylor Sterling said...

Thank you so much ladies!

Leticia Moreno said...

I love your blog. I follow you now. xoxo

Pink Chai said...

Congratulations! Your blog is great and a real inspiration to a new blogger like me.

Savvy in San Francisco said...

Congratulations on two years! Very exciting!

Sarah Klassen said...

Ahh, congratulations, my friend! First off, you have an ever-inspiring blog yourself, that just keeps growing and changing. (yet staying so true to you) You are inspiring...

I look forward to learning of great opportunities, of being inspired by new outfits, by seeing new things pop up in your life. I so enjoy you and your blog :)


Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

Congrats Taylor! I have to admit I only recently found your blog and have been lalalalalalLOVING backtracking to your first post eversince. I love finding new and relevant bloggers who not only flaunt mad style but have great copy to boot! I'm a fan hun and can't wait to see what you come up with in 2011!! Happy Blog Birthday!! :D


Haute Khuuture Blog

Morgan and Lua said...

Congratulations! That's such a huge accomplishment! You've definitely had so many great opportunities and experiences in the last 2 years.
Cheers to many more to come!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Found your blog via Kendi Everyday. Saw your first photo, and it reminded me so much of West Cliff that I had to keep scrolling to see if you were anywhere near Santa Cruz. Then I found this photo of Capitola and was ecstatic! I grew up in Santa Cruz and love, love, LOVE it. We were just there for 12 days (with road trips to Tahoe, Pismo, and San Fran).

Added you to my reader and am ooking forward to following your blog and seeing more glimpses of my hometown!


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