Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Other "F" Word

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I have always loved fashion. Ever since I was little I was playing dress up, collecting fashion inspirations and trying new trends. However, there is another “f” word in my life that is just as important to me, “fitness”. If you follow this blog and keep up with my twitter ramblings you know that I am an avid fitness enthusiast. I train in Crossfit, which is a style of training that is a cross over between Olympic lifting, endurance, flexibility, weight lifting, and gymnastics.

I have not always been able to find the balance between fashion and fitness. You would think the two would go hand and hand, but that is not always the case. Many things about the fashion world are unhealthy. The women involved in the industry are often terribly underweight and may of them drink, smoke, and live a party lifestyle. I am not going to spend hour talking about this. I just want to explain my own struggles to have the two both represent me. Since I love fashion I often desire the clothes to look like they do on women in magazines or even other fashion blogs for that matter. I dream of thin long legs and a tiny waist. I am not saying that I am unhappy with my body, but it can be hard to feel fashionable when you can’t get certain clothes over your quadriceps, because you have been doing a lot of squats.
This is an ongoing battle I have in my mind. What is more important, training hard so that I'm a better athlete or training to look good and fit in clothes that I dream about? 

It can also be a challenge in the gym. If you look at the women who do Crossfit they typically are not thin and fragile. They are strong and athletic. Many times women who come to our gym are intimidated and afraid to work out that hard. They often complain about getting too big or buff. I have to admit that I have been that woman before. I battle it in my head. But, then I remember that not all women who do Crossfit get that buff and it has a lot to do with your genetics. Plus, being muscular is beautiful and means that you are in great shape. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with it. Jessica Biel is one celebrity who is bridging the gap of fashionable and fit. Also, I admire Stella McCartney's Adidias collaboration and how she is creating fashionable work out apparel. That way women can still feel feminine even when they are deadlifting 200 pounds. 

I often keep my two worlds separate. Many of my friends at the gym don’t know about my fashion blog. I think I have been afraid that I won’t be taken as seriously at the gym. The same goes for my blog. I am worried that people don’t come here to read about fitness. But, then the owner of my gym came to me and said that I should represent both, because it shows girls out there that you can be into style and also be into sports and athletics. Women who are athletes don’t have to be tomboys. I couldn’t agree more and have no idea why I needed a push to get my head out of the fog. This blog is a representation of me and I am someone who is a diehard fitness junkie who wants some fashion in her life.
Stay tuned for a few fitness posts here and there!

Update: Check out my pot on "Fashion & My City" at Alix Rose! 


Cloud P. said...

i'm jelaous that you have heart for fitness because i totally can't make myself to go to gym :)

Anonymous said...

thank you for posting this.. it brings a whole new element to your style, i think. i, too, am dedicated to fitness (running) and sometimes find it hard to balance. my struggles stem more from a timing issue (time to blog? time to run? no time to do both?) but i can easily see the analagous dilemma with body image. your dilemma is actually a lot more interesting. i admire you all the more, now knowing that you have this whole "other life."

Looks and Books said...

This is great! There's absolutely no reason why fashion and fitness can't co-exist. I'm looking forward to reading your fitness posts!

Laura Trevey said...

Awesome workout!!

If you need a break, stop by BBB for a little humor :)

WC said...

i envy your being a fitness junkie because i wish i was. the most i can make myself do is 200 crunches a day about twice a week hahah.

Raquel said...

hi.. love the photos..and the blog..

make exercises is so great right?

kisses from brazil..

im following ;)

xoxo Kellz* said...

Im so proud of u thast terrific...I go to the gym as well not so often now becuz I strted schol again ugh but- I try to go during lunch even its for a little. Oh & I work out too becuz I love fashion and I want to fit in the clothes as well hehe


Linda said...

Honestly, I could tell just by looking at you. I could tell that you are in amazing shape. I wish I had the strength, endurance, time and back to do what you do.

FENNOfashion said...

Wow! You even make fitness look good!

My Every Day Style said...

Congratulations on this inspiring post. You are the icon women of all ages should aspire to as you are embracing yourself and who you are. Fashion should not be about how thin you are but how beautiful clothes make you feel and healthy is beautiful.

I love your style and you look stunning in whatever you where because you are comfortable in your body.

I have just started a training programme and you have really had an effect on me... Thank you.

myedit said...

Hear, hear... it's a great testament to be healthy and fashionable. They can hand in hand and you prove that.

Christina said...

I think it's great that you are into fitness too. It's nice to see another layer and when a blogger is honest about who they are. I have recently gotten into running. It's something I have never tried before (as a former figure skater it's very different for me). I don't write about it alot on my blog though. And I have to say you look great!

Christen said...

Really excited to read your future fitness posts!

Roxan said...

As your workout buddy and fellow fashion junkie, I am so happy to see this post! There are so many wonderful sides to the Taylor we all know and love and I think that your blog readers will appreciate getting to know you a bit more intimately!

jennylew said...

I know exactly how you feel! Ifelt like I was the only one in the world! aha I play college tennis and have played sports/worked out all my life.. I have an obsession for fashion just like you and I understand the contradictory lifestyle that goes with most fashion industry.. all I can say is this post inspired me even more! Keep it up because you look amazing and so do your clothes and you know men would rather look at a woman with a great butt then one with none! haha

Tabitha said...

Fitness is also a HUGE part of my life and I love that you do crossfit. My friend has been trying to get me to do it but since I"m on crutches I can't quite do it yet. However I have been eating Paleo which I know a lot of people who do crossfit follow that diet as well.

I'm loving it and feel fantastic!

ZANAH said...

Your working out looks intense luv !! Mon Mode Blog

E said...

Holy moley, you are tough! I always try doing more weights since I have a severe lack of muscle and, thus, strength. I guess I need to get on that more....

Chloe said...

Great post, and I *totally* understand. I work at a gym! And I definitely don't wear my Dior booties while I'm there, hahaha. It's a completely different world, and most people at my workplace don't know or understand my avid love of fashion. Just like a lot of fashion people don't know or understand my avid love of fitness.

Bring on the fitness posts, I say! I'll definitely be reading. :)

fadetoblack said...

no wonder you always look so fabulous!!
i find it hard to walk to the train in the morning haha!
i have loadsa respect for the girls who work out! because i can never do it... and every now and then i try then i go back to sitting down haha!!!

Vera said...

I think you should write about everything that intrigues you, your blog should incorporate your passions, I'd love to read about your gym routine and whatever else you like to spend your time on!

Meg said...

Hopefully your fitness posts will motivate me! I used to play rugby in school, but I can't afford the adult league fees, but I'm trying to improve my fitness.

Nicole Marie said...

heck yeah post about fitness!! fitness and fashion should be discussed together! and then we can learn your secrets :)

Wanderlusting Fool said...

high five to you! its great that you are into fitness and working out. I feel the same way about mixing the fitness and fashion! Looking forward to your 'fitness' posts.

Wanderlusting Fool

Polliani said...

you go girl!

Emilie said...

Love that post Taylor ;)

Heather said...

Awesome program! It's a tough regime. I do kettlebell workouts -- wonderful for the booty :)
My BF turned me on to it. He designs and sells the rings.

Anonymous said...

aw you ar amazing woman,.i can't like you do.ogh :(
and thank you for dropping comment on my blog, following you now because i love your style.

hope you want to follow me back.:)

Unknown said...

Great post i know what you mean although i do not train as hard as you but i do go to the gym between 4-6 times a week - I just like it! look forward to hearing more xxxxx

Sybil said...

i think it will be good for you and your blog to actually venture into fitness posts.. it will set you apart! :D

Kookie B. said...

oh wow, Taylor. Good for you that you get to go to the gym. I'm so unfit and unhealthy. Haha. But if I ran or went to the gym, i'll go back to skinny self. oh drat.

duckalicious said...

I know another F-word I'm pretty fond of...


FashionJazz said...

Totally luved ur post and learning more things about u! U are an inspiration hun! xx

Coco said...

I think it amazing that you can represent both fitness and fashion! It something that should be promoted everywhere!

-Coco from Our Paper Moon

Kyla said...

I think this is soooo awesome! I totally make me like you more :) (Not that I didn't like you before, but ... you know what I mean).

I think strong girls are way sexy! I've always had very muscular legs - no matter how big or small I am. Now, I'm learning to embrace it, as I spend a long time keeping them that way!

Anonymous said...

Good girl! Im not as eager as you unfortunately! But we have a gym over the hall now, so I guess I have to now!

o said...

well said! i love this post! i love that u balance fashion and fitness:) who says u can't have both??:) thanks for sharing this!

The Sound of Lace said...

i hear ya an avid swimmer and sometimes i feel like im going to bulk up too much to look feminine. but i try to realistically approach the situation....i think i would much rather feel and look healthy than emaciated and "cute" in a dress...and working out for me is not just about physical health either, it is such a mental boost as well...whenever im down, its the 1st thing i do to cheer up...and then i shop...ha ha!
thanks for this great post!

Anonymous said...

darling, i cannot agree any less! i too am a fitness junkie and squat have really toned out my legs -- although, like you've mentioned, it's tougher to fit into certain things bc your quadriceps have toned and increased in size. but having tone legs is a total plus rather than not. i absolutely adored this post and am looking forward to seeing more fitness post!

Sammy said...

I can never make myself to gym! Keep up the good work girl :)


The High Heel Times said...

Even though I'm aware of your visits in the gym via twitter, I am a bit surprised to read such a huge confession and see these pictures about you working your azz off. But it's just the way beauties are made, right?
I'm a big fan of fitness ladies and I can't really find the words right now to describe how much you've grown in my eyes.
Now I totally feel like I should go back to gym and continue training which I stopped in order to do an other sport. You're pure inspiration!

Jackie said...

I have been recently following your blog. Its great. However, I especially loved this post about fashion and fitness. I have been an athlete in marital arts and sports my entire life and because of the muscular strength, build, etc, find it hard to wear the latest fashions that are geared towards the more slender body types we see on the runway. Fashion and Fitness is great and learning to wear what is best for your body type is equally as inspiring and amazing. I would love to see more fashion meets fitness fusion on your blog! Thanks!

Fabulocity in Amish Country said...

I'm right there with you on this!! I think that athletes are beautiful too! :) I'm an athlete. I love sports! I play them as much as possible. I work out (or at least try to) consistently, and I think that you bridging the gap between fashion and fitness is fabulous and necessary! I struggle with some of the same "issues" too... some of my body isn't proportionate with other parts. While I don't hate my body, there is always someone out there that can fit that bandage mini better than me. :)

pamela said...

thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! because i'm really happy to have found yours now! this post rings so true in my world. i was wearing a pair of boots today and kept feeling self-concious that my calves were too big for them... hrumph!

but i love to work out. and have the same dilemma as you. i must say that you look amazing and the first thing i thought before i read this post was, "yay, someone with muscles that looks great in clothes!"

thanks for the inspiration. plus, we have very similar tastes. i love vanessa bruno!

pamela said...

thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! because i'm really happy to have found yours now! this post rings so true in my world. i was wearing a pair of boots today and kept feeling self-concious that my calves were too big for them... hrumph!

but i love to work out. and have the same dilemma as you. i must say that you look amazing and the first thing i thought before i read this post was, "yay, someone with muscles that looks great in clothes!"

thanks for the inspiration. plus, we have very similar tastes. i love vanessa bruno!


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